About Us ITEC Scholarship

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme

Funding: This Programme presents scholarships to deserving candidates for short-term and medium-term training courses. All expenses on international travel, board and lodging, course fee, etc. are met by the Government of India.

Eligibility: Employees/officials in Government, Public and Private Sectors, Universities, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc., who are between 25 to 45 years of age, having adequate working experience, who are medically fit and possess the required academic qualifications as laid down by the respective institutions for the concerned course. A sound working knowledge of English is required to follow the course, except for English language course.

Applications: All ITEC applications are required to be filled in by the applicants themselves at the website (https://www.itecgoi.in). After a candidate has applied for a course, he/she must take a printout of the application and send it to the Embassy of India, Bucharest through the nominating Ministry/organization. New calendar of ITEC courses is available at https://www.itecgoi.in 

Nominations of candidates may please be forwarded to the Embassy of India preferably 90 days prior to the date of commencement of the training course.

For any enquiries/information, please send your e-mail to: cons1.bucharest@mea.gov.in 



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