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Launching of the Global Pravasi Rishta Portal

Posted on: December 30, 2020 | Back | Print

Global Pravasi Rishta Portal

The Global Pravasi Rishta Portal has been developed by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India with the objective to establish regular interaction between the Governmnt of India and the Pravasis.

2. Hon'ble Minister of State for External Affairs would be launching the Global Pravasi Rishta Portal on 30th Dec, 2020 at 1200 hrs (EET).

3. The launching event can be joined using following details: 

Meeting link: https://meavc.webex.com/meavc/j.php?MTID=ma4a921bea9abf23f59338c809ea5bbb4 
Meeting number: 126 597 5565
Password: 30122020

To join by video system Dial 1265975565@meavc.webex.com. You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Please note that its a non-interactive event so all are requested to keep themselves on mute at all times.

4. Instructions for the purpose of having a smooth VC experience all the participants have to ensure the following:

(a) A high bandwidth stable internet connection (Mobile internet connection is not advisable).
(b) Wired internet connectivity to the laptop/desktop. (Wifi /hotspots to be avoided)
(c) Avoid using any other bandwidth intensive service on the same internet connection during the VC session.
(d) Laptop/desktop to have minimum of 4 GB RAM , however 8 GB RAM will be desirable.
(e) If the number of participants are more, then organise it in a meeting room where the video can be projected on a big screen and also ensure a decent sound system in place.


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