About Us SEWA- Indian Consular Services System

SEWA Portal: Indian Consular Services System

General Information

  • Mission has started accepting applications for miscellaneous consular services through the SEWA portal (https://indianconsularservices.mea.gov.in/consularServices/) w.e.f. 27.02.2023. 
  • Please visit the website (https://indianconsularservices.mea.gov.in/consularServices/) for availing of various Miscellaneous Consular Services through Online Consular Services System (SEWA Portal).

  • Please Sign up and create your account using the above weblink. Activation of your account will be done by using OTP received on your registered email ID. Once your account is activated, please login to your account and apply for the required miscellaneous consular service. Users can avail of multiple services with the same account. Users may follow each step and fulfill the requirements of the online application process including uploading the documents and submitting the same on the portal.

  • On successful submission of the application, a provisional acknowledgment receipt will be generated which the applicant can print after login to his/her account. Applicants are advised to take a printout of a copy of the acknowledgment receipt of the online submitted application for submission to the embassy.

  • After scrutiny of the documents, the applicant will receive a confirmation message regarding the submission of the physical application and payment of fees. It can be seen in the dashboard of his/her account. Applicants are required to submit all the documents (uploaded online) in original to this embassy at the appointed time for the required consular services. Applicants may book an appointment (click here for appointment) for the submission of required documents and fees to avail of the consular services. 

  • Payment of the fee is to be made at the embassy (Fee Structure for Consular Services

Schedule Appointment for Consular services



   This Embassy attests the document issued by the Indian authorities provided that such document is already attested/apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. 

   For documents issued by authorities of Albania/Moldova/Romania, this Embassy requires such documents to be first attested/apostilled by the Foreign Ministry of the concerned country (Albania/Moldova/Romania).

   - Please click here to apply.

   - Schedule Appointment


   For attestation of the Power of Attorney, the following are required:

  1.  The Executant has to affix a photograph and signature in front of the Consular Officer in the Power of Attorney;
  2.  Valid passport of the Executant;
  3.  Residence or Address Proof

    Note: The Embassy attests only the photograph and signature of the executant, but are attested, the Embassy does not take any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the Power of Attorney.   

   - Please click here to apply.

   - Schedule Appointment


   For attestation of the affidavit for a child passport to be issued in India (Annexure -D), the following are required:

  1.  The Executant has to sign the duly filled Affidavit (Annexure -D) in front of the Consular Officer in the embassy;
  2.  Valid passport of the Executant (original and photocopy);
  3.  Valid residence permit (of Romania/Moldova/Albania) (original and photocopy);

    Note: The Embassy attests only the signature of the executant, but are attested, the Embassy does not take any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the Affidavit (Annexure -D).   

   - Please click here to apply.

   - Schedule Appointment


   All Indian nationals who are residents in Romania/Albania/Moldova are required to register the birth of their minor child at the Embassy, under section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955, within six months from the Date of Birth. For online registration on the Indian Citizenship Portal, kindly visit https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/ and click on Registration of birth of a minor child at an Indian Consulate Under section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955. After online submission, take a printout of the registration form, and submit it at the Embassy along with the following documents:

  1.  Copy of the apostilled Birth Certificate of the child issued by the authorities in Romania/Albania/Moldova. (If it is not having the English language, provide its English version also.)
  2.  Copy of passports of parents
  3.  Copy of the Certificate of Indian Citizenship of parents, if acquired by Registration/Naturalization
  4.  Copy of the Marriage Certificate of the parents. (In case it is issued by foreign authorities, it must be apostilled; and if it is not having the English language, provide its English version also.)
  5.  Copy of Resident permits of parents in Romania/Albania/Moldova

     Note: Kindly bring the originals of the above documents for verification. 

After successful registration on the Indian Citizenship Portal, please click here to apply on the SEWA Portal for consular services.

   - Schedule Appointment


   To register the death of Indian nationals residing in Romania/Albania/Moldova, the following documents are to be submitted to the Embassy:

  1.  Copy of Apostilled Death Certificate issued from Romania/Albania/Moldova. (If it is not having English language, kindly also provide an English translation)
  2.  Passport of the deceased for cancellation.
  3.  Copy of the Resident permit of the deceased.

    Note: Originals of the above documents shall be submitted along with photocopies for verification.

Transportation of Human Remains to India:

The following documents are required to be submitted to the Embassy:

  1.  Police report conveying no objection to transportation of the body to India.
  2.  No objection from the Court to take the body to India.
  3.  Autopsy Report stating the cause of death.
  4.  Embalming Certificate
  5.  Letter from the Funeral Agency taking responsibility for (i) completing all the required documentation, (ii) transportation of the body to the final destination, (iii) contacting the relatives of the deceased and informing them about the exact date and time of arrival of the body to India, and (iv) informing this Embassy about the exact date and time of arrival of the body to India.

    Note: All documents are required to be submitted in original along with their photocopy.

   - Please click here to apply.

   - Schedule Appointment


   An Indian national holding a valid Indian Driving License and whose International Driving Permit (IDP) has expired, may apply for a re-issue of the expired IDP. The applicant has to submit the following at the Embassy.:

  1. Photocopy of valid Indian passport,
  2. Photocopy of valid proof of residence (in Romania/Moldova/Albania)
  3. Photocopy of IDP,
  4. Photocopy of valid Indian Driving License.

   After processing, a fee receipt will be issued by the Embassy. Thereafter, the applicant has to apply online for the issue of IDP at www.parivahan.gov.in and upload the documents:(a) a valid Indian Driving Licence issued by the licensing authority under the Central Motor Vehicles (First Amendment) Rules, 2021; (b) Fee receipt issued by the Embassy; (c) three copies of the applicant's recent passport photograph; (d) valid proof of Indian nationality; (e) valid proof of passport. The licensing authority shall issue the IDP and shall courier it directly to the address of the applicant.

   - Please click here to apply.

   - Schedule Appointment


   The following documents should be submitted by both Bridegroom and Bride:

  1.  Apostilled Bachelorhood Certificate, in case of Bachelor ( you were never married before), OR Apostilled Singlehood Certificate, in case of Single (i.e. you were married earlier but now you have no living spouse), with all your details.
  2.  Valid Passport with a permit of stay such as a valid Visa or resident permit.
  3.  Other Indian identification documents


   A Certificate of bachelorhood/single status/eligibility to get married can be issued by a competent court/ Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) having jurisdiction over the area of the residential address of the applicant. This can be in the form of a certificate/ affidavit notarized by SDM which is required to be counter-attested by the Home Department of the State concerned and then apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.

   Kindly note that Indian Missions have no role in the issue of "No Objection Certificate (NOC)" or "Bachelorhood/Single-status/Eligibility certificate" to Indian nationals intending to marry foreign nationals.


   This Embassy does not apostille documents. For information on the apostille of documents, please visit the following links:

FAQ on apostille matters

Step by Step procedure



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