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Tender ID : 2024_BHEL_37763_1

Posted on: July 06, 2024 | Back | Print

Global tender enquiry by BHEL, Bhopal (A Govt. of India Enterprise). Enquiry No. E5143085 RATE CONTRACT FOR HYBRID BEARING SET (Tender ID : 2024_BHEL_37763_1);

Bid opening date – 03.08.2024.

Kindly find attached GLOBAL OPEN TENDER notice No. - 2024_BHEL_37763_1 ( TENDER ENQ. NO. - E5143085) floated by BHEL, Bhopal (A Govt. of India Enterprise) along with all relevant documents. The Global Tender has also been published in Government’s Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) (https://eprocurebhel.co.in/nicgep/app) and on BHEL Corporate website (http://www.bhel.com/tenders).

Due date of Tender is 03.08.2024 at 17:05 Hrs.

In case of any query, please contact at email id dpandey@bhel.in.


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